Learning to read is the foundation of children’s early year's education. It is essential in supporting learning throughout a child’s education and improves employment prospects in later life.
There is much scope for early intervention and early assessment of reading abilities. This research has investigated how children are taught to read, and the methods used to assess reading. It initially investigated dyslexia to gain insight into the mechanics of reading and why some children struggle with the processes.
This pilot study introduces an augmented reality app for mobile devices targeting alphabetic decoding. Working with teachers and other educational professionals the study used a focus group to identify requirements for the application. It targets areas covered by the UK Government Phonics programme.
I would like to recruit parents or guardians of children who would be like to help test this app.
The Research
The aim of this research is to discover whether an Augmented Reality phonics application can contribute to children’s early reading skills. Initial research shows positive results.
Augmented Reality overlays digital content over the physical world. In this case, animated 3D models are placed over a book. Participation does not require any special equipment. It uses a standard mobile device such as a mobile phone or tablet.
This app is aimed at teachers and parents of children in Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 (ages 6-11).
Who can participate?
I'm aiming to recruit participants for focus groups with phonics expertise in primary education, This would include primary teachers, additional learner support (ALS), and dyslexia specialists.
How the App Works
Enjoyable experience
The mobile app works with a physical book. The book is augmented with animated 3D objects. As the child interacts with different letters and sounds and animated models magically appear on top of the pages. See the attached video.
Lessons are targeted to the sounds and letters set out in the UK Government letters and sounds programme.

Supporting learning
3D Models magically appear over the pages of the book.

What do I need to do?
Join the Focus Group: Help Shape the Phonics Education!
I am inviting educational stakeholders to be part of this exciting research project.
I'm aiming to recruit participants with phonics expertise in primary education, including Primary Teachers, Nursery Teachers, Additional Learner Support (ALS), Teaching Assistants, Linguists, and Dyslexia specialists.
What to Expect:
Your insights will play a crucial role in shaping the Magic Spell Phonics App.
I value your opinions and aim to create an app that meets the needs of both educators and learners.
A unique opportunity to influence the development of augmented reality phonics education tools.
Ready to Make a Difference?
To learn more and express your interest, click on the 'Get Involved' link to find out how you can join a focus group.
You can also contact me via email at m.p.broadhead@greenwich.ac.uk.
Let's Work Together to Make Phonics Magical!
Participant Information
Download the Magic Spell Phonics Booket
The MagicSpellPhonics App works with a booklet containing Augmented Reality markers, print double sided and fold down the middle:
All documents and forms can be downloaded from the link below.
The file contains:
Participant information sheets
Consent forms
Focus Group Comments
This is fantastic, the kids will love it.
Additional Learner Support
I quite like the fact that it is 3D, so they have to work out where they are reading it from.
I think there’s definitely a high level of engagement, with the technology you’re using, With context I can definitely see it working well, with a positive approach to it.
Primary School Teacher
Privacy Notice
This summary provides key points of privacy about the app, but you can find out more details about any of these topics by clicking the link below.
Does the app process any sensitive personal information?
We do not process sensitive personal information.
Does the app receive any information from third parties?
We do not receive any information from third parties.
What data does the app collect?
The app does not collect or store any user data.
In what situations and with which parties do we share personal information?
The app does not collect or share personal information
Get involved
I'm you would like to know more, or would like information on how to participate.